
About Me

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I'm Christy. Christian first, wife to a Retired Soldier, mom to 7, our oldest is with the Lord after he called her home against a battle against AML leukemia. I am a Homeschooling/SAHM/Housewife. The biggest blessing in my life is serving The Lord, Jesus Christ. I am a sinner, fail often, but am forgiven.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Trusting God

Trusting God's plan for our lives is not always easy, not always natural, yet it's what we are called to do. No matter where we are in life, we are always called to follow the Lord.

I was driving home last night from bible study thinking about my oldest son. He's 15, a Sophomore, and it hit a brick that we have only 3 more Thanksgivings and Christmas's left with him being home. I know he may come home after he graduates, but it will be in a different circumstance. I think of how when my husband and I got married, we spent our first Christmas as a married couple up with his family in Ohio, but we have never spent it with them since, and this is our 19th Christmas as a married couple. We were with them until 2 days before Christmas 13 years ago, but my uncle passed away and so we drive home to Kansas for his funeral and spent Christmas with my side of the family. I realize that could be out lot when our kids grow up. I pray we have a different relationship and that our kids will want to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with us, and when they get married, I hope we can get every other year at least or I'd they marry local girls, part of the day, but the fact is they will have to decide that. I have to trust God that we are raising our kids to value us as their parents and siblings. I can't be living in dread, fear, or sadness.
So from here on out I am trusting the Lord with my kids, our time we have, our health, all of it. He wants what's best for us, even if we don't always see that it's best for us, immediately.
I am so grateful that we serve a God who loves us, who desires the best for us, and most of all who brings all we walk through in this life back to His Glory.