
About Me

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I'm Christy. Christian first, wife to a Retired Soldier, mom to 7, our oldest is with the Lord after he called her home against a battle against AML leukemia. I am a Homeschooling/SAHM/Housewife. The biggest blessing in my life is serving The Lord, Jesus Christ. I am a sinner, fail often, but am forgiven.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 15: Weigh in

I saw my doctor today, he's really happy with my progress and said my weight loss was right on track. I will admit I'm still a bit disappointed, especially after last weeks 19 lb loss. I lost 4 lbs, so a total of 23 lbs lost in 2 weeks. I have an appointment in the nutrition center on Tuesday, which is 3 weeks since my surgery and I'd love to see another 6 lbs off. I don't know if I'll reach that goal, but I hope so.  Dr. C told me that I can increase either my distance or intensity. I plan to do both. He also said that on Tuesday that my nutrionist will tell me when I can move to phase 3 as far as food intake goes.
Dr. C said he can tell with my stomach that I've lost a good amount, which was encouraging. So I will keep going. I will get a picture taken tomorrow and post it tomorrow night or Saturday.
Well, I'm now off to mop my kitchen and both of the upstairs bathrooms. I know you're all jealous and wish you could have such an exciting life!! :)

1 comment:

Janis said...

Congrats! Little by little it will come off! We got this!!! (With a LOT of help from our Lord!) :)