
About Me

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I'm Christy. Christian first, wife to a Retired Soldier, mom to 7, our oldest is with the Lord after he called her home against a battle against AML leukemia. I am a Homeschooling/SAHM/Housewife. The biggest blessing in my life is serving The Lord, Jesus Christ. I am a sinner, fail often, but am forgiven.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Updated Picture

I've lost 58 lbs since April 29, 2014. I am working hard with exercise and being careful in what I eat and how much I eat, and drinking lots and lots of water (I average about 100 oz).
2 more lbs to my July goal of 60 lbs gone.

12 Weeks post-op!

We are finally done with baseball, I can't say I'm terribly sad to see it over, it was a great season for both big boys and for my young ones who played tball, but it's nice that Tuesday's and Friday's are now free, and with that I'm going to start doing something for "me" on Tuesday's, by going to water aerobics.

I went last week and weighed in and was at 54 lbs gone, today I weighed and I lost another 4 lbs, so here I am at 12 weeks 2 days with 58 lbs gone! I only have 2 more lbs to lose to meet my 60 lb goal loss in 3 months, I really think I can do it by next Friday!! I'm going to be working out hard, continuing to watch what I am eating, and just making smart and healthy choices. On our walk tonight with my husband, I told him that I am now at the same weight I was when we moved to Germany in 2005. I had done Weight Watchers for 6 months and had lost 30 lbs. I'm so excited to see that number and know that although the GVS has been the biggest tool so far in my weight loss, that me eating healthier and less and exercising have me back to that weight and soon to surpass it and be even smaller!

I did discover on Sunday that my taste buds have most definitely changed a bit. Someone had made banana bread and it was being raved about by everyone. I took a tiny bite and had to spit it out, it was too sweet for me. It's shocking to me, yet nice to know that I may not even enjoy the "sweet" things in life so to speak! :)
I find that I can get my sweet tooth taken care of through fruits and popsicles. I don't need things full of sugar, which ultimately makes me tired, unhappy, and well lets face it helped make me fat.

I went to my parents on Monday and my mom and dad and my mom's best friend all said they could see the difference. I'm still struggling to see the drastic weight loss in myself. Now, I do see a difference in my face. It's most definitely slimmer and I can tell that my stomach is much smaller. I do not see a difference in my chest, arms, or legs yet. I am going to start working harder on working out my arms and legs. I will get a picture of myself tomorrow and post it here tomorrow, so others can see the difference. It helps me to see pictures as well, so I can see what's really happening to my body and not just what I see (or don't see) in the mirror!
I am pleased to say that I'm down to 1X and XL shirts!!! Amazing to me. It's been so long since I could wear an XL shirt, and now not only can I fit it, there's room in it! I have only kept a couple pieces of my old clothes so that I can do the before and after picture, once I've reached my goal wight and size!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Another Weigh In

I weighed in today and was pleasantly surprised to find another 4 lbs gone!! That's a total of 54 lbs so far gone!! I continue to work out, eat right, and just over all work hard. Tonight we had VBS. I'm in the snack room, we had cookies and gummie bears. I didn't eat a bit of it. It was tempting, but I resisted. I know having something that's not 100% healthy for me will be okay, but I know that right now, I just don't feel strong enough to have them.
Tomorrow and Wednesday, I'm heading to the gym, with the goal of getting in at least 4 miles, if not more. We have VBS tomorrow evening, and although my 2 oldest boys are at camp, my oldest will be getting picked up (and not to return to camp) so he can play ball. Unfortunately he can not return to camp, so he'll be helping out at VBS the rest of the week. Thankfully he was able to stay at camp for 2 1/2 days and will only miss out on about 2 1/2 days. I will say since he's not returning to camp, life got a lot simpler. JT decided he wanted to stay at camp, and I know he'll come home with tons of excitement on Friday of all the things they did this week and I can't wait to hear all about it!
I'm off to bed, I should have been to bed a couple hours ago!! :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I'm So Excited, I Just Can't Hide It!!

Oh yes I am!!!! I reached my 50 pound weight loss goal at exactly 10 weeks!!!! I had my appointment with my nutritionist today and some how I stayed calm! LOL I can not believe 50 lbs are gone, forever!!!!! I have a goal of at least 55 lb weight loss by the end of the month. I think that's a very reasonable and realistic loss for the next 2 1/2 weeks.
I am so thankful I decided this route. I'm getting healthier, making better food choices, working out consistently, and honestly I just feel better physically and emotionally. Last night I pushed myself harder than I have so far, while on the elliptical. I went 4.3 miles, in 1 hour 5 minutes, burned over 600 calories. I'll be heading back to the gym tomorrow evening, to get a few more miles on the elliptical. I would like to keep up the same pace for a couple weeks then try to bump it up to 5 miles in the same time. I want to keep challenging myself, to get healthier, get this weight off, and be over all more active in life.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Week 9 weigh in!!

The kids had an appointment today and while there I weight myself! From last Thursday to today, I lost 7 more lbs!! That's a total of 47 lbs in 9 weeks. I've made sure to get my protein in, a lot of walking, a lot of water, and the hot weather aka sweating, has hurt either!! :)
Tonight, I'm going on a bike ride! I'm excited to see how far I can make it, and plan on 3 times a week, the whole family going on a bike ride. I have Miss O's toddler seat on the back of my bike, so she will had a little over 20 lbs, which will only help me burn more calories and get stronger!

I can't believe it's only the 3rd of July and I've almost made my end of the month goal! I think I'm going to change my goal to 55 lbs by the end of July. I hope with adding in new things in my exercise regiment that I can boost my metabolism, get in more than enough protein,and lots of water, that I can reach that new goal.

Thank you to those who read this, support me, encourage me, and stand behind me. I am truly grateful for you!