
About Me

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I'm Christy. Christian first, wife to a Retired Soldier, mom to 7, our oldest is with the Lord after he called her home against a battle against AML leukemia. I am a Homeschooling/SAHM/Housewife. The biggest blessing in my life is serving The Lord, Jesus Christ. I am a sinner, fail often, but am forgiven.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Day one done. I read Genis 1 & 2 a d Matthew 1. My schedule didn't work as I wanted it to. I watch two brothers regularly, but the last two days I also kept 3 out of the 5 of friends kids while their house was being packed. I also was watching a 9 year old boy, too.  Our morning started off running and I didn't really feel I had time to sit and focus on reading until tonight. Tomorrow we have a field trip 2 hours away, so I'll get my reading on most likely in the early evening or late evening.
Either way, I am in God's word!

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