New year and new goals. I don't make resolutions, but I do have goals set. One is to blog more often. I'm also reading my Bible through this year. I did this a couple of years ago and am looking forward to doing so again.
I'm looking for a new devotional, but am looking for a Biblically sound one and that's not very easy to find. Over the last couple of years I've worked hard to be more discerning in Biblical reading. I want to make sure the devotion I read is solid. (Feel free to send suggestions, so I can research).
I am not only reading through the Bible this year, I'm going to be doing daily Bible verse coping and working on memorizing a Bible verse a week. Now, I say that, being behind in the memorization, already. I will be starting that tomorrow, but will work on 2 short verses one week this year, so I can memorize 52 verses.
I have struggled for years in memorizing Bible verses and that frustrates me, as my kids do it with AWANA and I have worked with AWANA for 18 years. I have a few memorized, John 3:16 of course, but I'm going to do this. I will be writing my verse on Index cards, yes multiple. I will be taping them in my bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and keeping one in the living room as well. Please will you pray that the Lord will help me in this. I truly believe God wants all of us to know HIS word inside and out, and although I God's word, to have it truly hidden in my heart and be able to pull it out anytime, would be such a blessing.
If you're interested in writing out verses, here's what I'm using for January:

I started off late on this as well, but am all caught up and actually a day ahead, because we have a busy Sunday, with church, Missions, and a New Years Potluck and Prayer time.
My goal this year beyond anything else, is to be fully in God's word, between reading through the Bible, writing out verses, and memorizing verses. God is so good. He's so good to me, and I know I can do nothing FOR HIM, but I can do this to bring praise to HIM.
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