
About Me

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I'm Christy. Christian first, wife to a Retired Soldier, mom to 7, our oldest is with the Lord after he called her home against a battle against AML leukemia. I am a Homeschooling/SAHM/Housewife. The biggest blessing in my life is serving The Lord, Jesus Christ. I am a sinner, fail often, but am forgiven.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Almost to my next goal!!!

I saw my doctor today and stepped on the scale and was thrilled! I lost another 3 lbs since last Thursday! I'm now at a 28 lb loss in exactly 4 weeks since my surgery! This was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life! Accepting Jesus as my Savior being the BEST, marrying Chad, having my children, and then having the Gastric Sleeve Surgery! I am truly so thankful and amazed at what I've accomplished in only 4 short weeks!
I know that by next week I'll reach 30 lbs weight loss! I am beyond thrilled! I want to jump for joy!!

I was given permission to start working out on the elliptical and doing light weight lifting and swimming laps! I am so excited, because I know doing those 3 things will help to get even more weight off, will help boost my energy levels even more, and be that much more encouraging to me!

I look to the Lord and know that he's my biggest fan. He loves me more than anyone and I know he wants what is best for me. I lean on him and his understanding and know that with him, I can do anything!! I'm so thankful for family and friends who are supporting me, encouraging me, cheering me on, and sincerely excited for me with each step I take!

I will not stop,even once I meet my goal weight and size, I will continue this journey, because it's a life change. Working out and eating right is what I have to do and there is no going back.


terre said...

you keep going, girl!!! i know its tough but the end result will be amazing!!!!!

<3 terre

Nhquilter said...

Congratulations, Christy!!!

Janis said...

Great Job! keep moving forward!!!