
About Me

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I'm Christy. Christian first, wife to a Retired Soldier, mom to 7, our oldest is with the Lord after he called her home against a battle against AML leukemia. I am a Homeschooling/SAHM/Housewife. The biggest blessing in my life is serving The Lord, Jesus Christ. I am a sinner, fail often, but am forgiven.

Monday, January 9, 2023

 Last night I started on another goal. I have a goal of walking 50 miles a month. I walk on average 2 to 3 miles a day, so if I do that daily I will be walking on average 56-60 miles a month. I'm going to be also listening to my body when it comes to eating. My initial plan was to fast during the day and eat once a day, and I may switch to that, but I'm currently sitting here at almost 1 PM and my stomach is growling, so I'm am going to eat a small lunch. I want to of course drop weight, but more importantly, I want to be healthy. I want to be a good example to my kids on how to treat their bodies. 
I have already done my daily Bible reading and daily Bible verse writing, so feeling good at these accomplishments! 

We started back up at school today, as well. I'm having my kids learn to write in cursive. My 10 year old has some of the most beautiful handwriting I've ever seen in general, much less in a 10 year old. My 12 year old sons is a bit lacking, but it's getting there! My 7 year old will start cursive in a couple months, we're still working on manuscript. I think having a solid foundation in both script and cursive is important. I am looking forward to this spring semester and what we're going to be learning together and individually. My younger 3 do History together and we're starting on Anatomy, they are all at different levels of course, and that's the beauty of homeschooling. They can learn together, while being on their own level at the same time! Math they do individually, and they all read on their own levels as well. 
I'm debating on if I'll share pictures of my kids here. I haven't since I started this particular blog. I have never even shared their names. At this point I'll just share their initial and since some of my kids share the same first letter in their first name, I'll add a 1, 2, or 3. 
So let me "introduce my kids! 
J-1 is our oldest, our daughter who died when she was 2 from AML leukemia. She was smart, sweet, kind, funny, and absolutely beautiful. J-2 is our oldest son, he's 21, lives on his own with his dog, and is a Diesel Technician. He's funny, smart, stubborn, determined, a very hard worker, and a handsome kid if I say so myself!  He was quite the surprise for my husband and myself! We found out only 8 days after J1 went home to Heaven that I was pregnant with him. J3 is our 2nd son, and is 19. He lives on his own as well, and is currently trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life. He's getting to deal with some hard, but necessary life lessons. He's a smart young man, but is also very stubborn, and I see the Lord teaching him through that stubborn streak. He's very close to dad/my husband. He's got a beautiful heart, and is a tall and handsome guy, too. I look forward to seeing what God does with his future! E is our 15 year old daughter. We prayed she would be a girl during my pregnancy, as we were emotionally ready for another daughter. God was so kind in allowing us this answer to prayer. She's kind, quiet, a lover of books, photography, very smart, beautiful, hilarious, loves her rabbits, and is very good with kids, she does not do drama and avoids it if at all possible, loves to dance and is a beautiful dancer, and has a gorgeous singing voice. N-1 is 12. He's quiet, but can also be very loud. He's hilarious in that unsuspecting way. He loves video games, he's ridiculously smart in math, is in the stage of life where he loves to tease his siblings. He's very smart, sometimes I think, too smart. He has said in the past that he wants to be a Missionary. I have no idea if he will, but I do believe he's going to move in great ways for God's Kingdom! Let me just say, I don't have ugly kids! LOL 
O is 10 and my Sassy, funny, sweet, talented dancer, beautiful girl. She's almost always smiling and laughing. Has recently discovered a love of reading, loves to draw. She definitely is her own true self. As much as E doesn't like drama, O seems to invite it in. Part of it is her age, and part of it is her personality, oh and she's beautiful! 
N 2 is my baby. He's 7. He loves Lego's and Nerf guns, and has no fear in him. He's the first of my children to break a bone (which is not to say that my others haven't been to the ER for suspected broken bones in the past!). He loves to play sports, loves to be read to, and has possibly been pampered to a bit more than his siblings, by me and dad, and well his siblings, too! He's hilarious and will say the funniest things. He can be a bit lazy when doing certain tasks, but we're working on that. He definitely was a surprised blessing that I thank GOD for! 
My husband C and I have been married for 25 years. He was in the Army for 20 (we married 3 years into his career). We lived in Kansas 3 times,  Washington DC, Northern Virginia, and Germany twice. We're now retired from the Army and settled in Central Kansas. I grew up in N.E. Kansas and hope to one day live there again. 

That about catches you up on us. 

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